Friday, July 17, 2009

Spanish Tortilla My Way

OR Omelet with Sweet Potatoes, Red Pepper, Artichoke hearts & Farmer's Cheese

I saw a recipe for a Spanish Tortilla with fancy ingredients on Smitten Kitchen and thought I'd try my own version. "Tortilla" in spain is basically an omelet type dish that is chock full of potatoes. Mine has Sweet potatoes, roasted red peppers, artichoke hearts and farmer's cheese for good measure (was going to make pierogies and bailed so needed to use the soft creamy cheese in something else).

To make this, peel one sweet potato and cube (small cubes). In a pot of boiling water, parboil these potatoes so they are tender to the fork but not mushy. Then, throw them into a small, single serving frying/sautee pan with oil. Let them brown up so they are cooked through and season with salt and pepper. Then, add the artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers (these I got from the olives and antipasto bar at WholeFoods, but you could get them jarred). Stir those up so they are warm. Then, sprinkle the farmers cheese (or any cheese or choice or no cheese) over the top.

Whisk 1 egg and 1/2 cup of egg beaters/egg white. Season with salt and pepper. Pour egg mixture over potatoes. As it cooks, roll the pan and lift the sides so the uncooked egg flows underneath and then press down. You want this to be packed up pretty tight. Once it solidifies, flip the omelet over and press down some more. Keep flipping and pressing until you have a heavy egg and potato omelete. Invert the pan and slice into pie pieces. Add salt and pepper to taste and serve with a side of salad or top with a pepper and onion salsa.

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